Property Definition

The Property Definition Configuration area is where you can set up certain Property System defaults such as the property name and address information, default language, and defaults to display on the web.

This is part of the required configuration for Skyware Systems and is initially performed at installation for you. You may however edit the configuration to suit your property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.

This selection is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware.


How to Configure Property Definitions:



The Property Definition screen display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen listing the Properties and the right side containing the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit the configuration for the Property. Any changes made on the right, once saved, will be updated in the listings to the left.

Property Definition screen example

By Default, the General tab will be open when you arrive at the Property Definition screen. Almost all of the required information is located on this tab, such as the Property name and address. There are six more tabs available, the Other tab, the Credit Cards / Int tab, the Statement / POS tab, the Reg / Conf tab, the Web / E-Mail tab and the Web Code tab.









Note: On any tab, if you decide you have made an error, click the "Cancel" button in the local tool bar to undo it rather than the back button in the browser. The back button will attempt to return you to the previous screen, rather than simply undoing whatever change you have made.


When you are finished adding or editing any Property Definitions, click the Save Save button button to save the changes.

To view any changes made, click the Activity log Activity Log button button in the local tool bar.


Date Updated September 09, 2024